Sunday, January 9, 2011

Previous postings.....New blog means reposting great photos

So many photos means so many favorites!  Having a new blog means I get to show those faves off AGAIN!  wooohoooo!!!!!

such a sweet couple!  truly awesome!

so much fun!  love this background too...perfect for these two

love this frame....compliments of coffee shop (love Rita!)

sweet little Alex....had her own ideas and wanted to tell me every single one of them. :) 

this bridge is just most amazing!  only downfall is holding up walkers crossing but they really didn't seem to mind at all....

he's probably wondering how long this is going to take...or maybe watching the cows

love this "barn"

sweet Jillybean...I really love creating storyboards...

NYE Wedding - Congrats Mr. & Mrs. David Hollis

A beautiful NYE wedding in Galveston!  Started out a bit foggy, literally couldn't see 10 feet in front of us.  Thank goodness my chauffeur (my amazing and wonderful husband) accompanied me on this trip.

The bride and groom, aka Joy & Davie....LOVE these guys!  Simple and about as smooth as a wedding photographer could admit.  A few glitches but what wedding is successful without at least one OOPS.  :)  Enjoy this sneak peak into the first day of the rest of their lives as Mr and Mrs. :)  ohhhh how I love weddings.

Boudoir Sessions !!

What does it mean to have a Boudoir Session?
A boudoir session is simply a photography session in your bedroom (or any other room in your house) where you are photographed in lingerie or any other sexy clothing you choose.
Many clients just want to celebrate their sexiness in stunning images, and capture that look for posterity, and some have imagined and fantasized about being a “Playboy” model and want to have that experience.
Not sure what to get that special someone?  Boudoir photography makes the perfect romantic gift for your loved one to share during special occasions.
You must be 18 years of age in order to partake in a Boudoir Session
I am concerned about privacy.  Who, what, and where?
Photographer and client….and if you need a support friend, bring her.  If you need your significant other, he can also be included.  Your photos are seen by me and you and whomever you send your link and password to for viewing.  (In the privacy of your own home)
I am very self-conscious, how can you help during the session?
I too am quite self-conscious.  My goal is to ensure every client is relaxed and having a great time.  With that said if you are extremely nervous, a few recommendations are:  have a drink, invite a friend, have a silly outfit to wear in the first several shots.  I had a client wear a tutu and long socks!  SUPER CUTE!
Is there anything special I need to do for my session?
Sleep…Make sure to get a good night’s rest. Reduce your salt intake and drink plenty of water.  Do not wear tight fitting clothing, this will leave marks on your skin and could delay your session.
What makeup do you recommend for a Boudoir photography session?
Apply your makeup a little darker than normal…not stand on the corner dark, party night or date night.
What should I wear during my boudoir photography session?
I suggest between 4 and 8 outfits.  It’s important to have a few more picked out to ensure you are happy with your selections.  You can always mix and match and see what you like best.  A few examples of what past sessions have worn:
Sexy bra/panty sets, sexy sleep wear, thigh high stocking, bathing suit, cocktail dresses, mini-skirts, low-rise jeans, cute tops, and plenty of fun jewelry and accessories.  Your husband’s/boyfriend’s favorite sports jersey, boxers, robe, whatever you can think of to wear.
What are your limits?
I will photograph lingerie and semi-nude.  My style and photography is very beautiful, classy and tasteful. I do not shoot explicit or adult content in any form.  The boudoir session is a compliment to all shapes and sizes.  My goal is to ensure every woman has the opportunity for a fun experience without stress or pressure.
What is the price and what’s included in my Boudoir Photography Session?
There are four packages available and each can be adjusted for your needs.
*call or email for pricing*
Sessions range in time from 1½ hours to 4 hours and you will receive anywhere from 200 to 500 professional images.  Included with each package is the CD and copyright
What type of gift options do you offer with my finished photos?
The most popular is a small “black book”, about the size of his wallet.   Or any of the following:
Prints in any size (glossy, metallic, lustre), Calendars, Coffee mugs, Bound coffee table albums

content copyright 2010-2011 Wendy Miller Photography